Infant Development

Informal discussion on the growth and development of infants 8-14 months in an enriched play environment. Topics include physical/sensory-motor, social-emotional, cognitive and language development; influence of parenting styles; family life; and the infant's impact on the family.

Parents and Infants

Informal lecture and discussion on infant development during the first seven months of life and on issues of concern to new parents. Topics include characteristics of normal infant development, daily routines and feeding practices, and impact of the infant on the family.

Careers in Teaching in CA

An overview of teaching opportunities, requirements and certifications in California in a range of school settings. Career opportunities and labor market demand will be covered. Credentialing, permitting and certifications to be defined. ECE, Transitional Kindergarten, K-12 (elementary, middle and high school) and community college teaching requirements will be reviewed.

Individualized Education Programs

Learn about Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for children with special needs, including planning IEP/IFSP meetings, setting goals and objectives, writing the IEP plan, legal rights of children with disabilities, and the importance of working collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams including culturally diverse families, advocates, general education teachers and support personal to meet the social and academic success of each student.

Learning Disabilities

Explore specific learning disabilities including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and non-verbal learning disability. Identify multi-sensory strategies for teaching children with learning disabilities; identify student strengths and use them to address weaknesses; learn how to create an inclusive learning environment; and become aware of community resources.

Children with ADHD

Explore behaviors, strengths, and needs of children with ADHD and develop teaching strategies that support them and their families. Conventional and alternative approaches to diagnosis and treatment as well as prevention and inclusion strategies will be explored.

Special Education TK-12

Introduction to basic issues in special education TK (transitional kindergarten-12 including legal rights of children with disabilities and their families, Individual Educational Plans (IEPs), disability sensitivity and awareness, inclusion, collaboration strategies and community resources.