Digital Illustration I

This course covers techniques in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for illustrators. While gaining technical knowledge, students will also begin to explore stylistic options and build a body of work. Sketching and other techniques for developing concepts are also covered.

Photoshop II

Continued study and use of Adobe Photoshop with an emphasis on advanced features. This course focuses on complex document construction, smart objects, masking, compositing, color correction, retouching, and screen workflows.

Photoshop I

An introduction to Adobe Photoshop for digital image editing. Topics include interface, layers, painting, compositing, color correction, retouching, asset optimization and prototyping. Emphasis on best practices.

InDesign II

Continued study and use of Adobe InDesign for print and screen with emphasis on advanced features and design projects. Introduction to tables, books, and interactive documents.

InDesign I

An introduction to Adobe InDesign for page layout and design. Topics include the interface, typesetting, styles, master pages, creating objects, importing graphics, layers, transparency, preflight and packaging. Emphasis on best practices.